Jim McDonald is a fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street, played by Charles Lawson. He made his first appearance during the episode broadcast on 27 October 1989. He appeared as a regular character from 1989 to 2000, and has made brief comebacks between 2003 and 2018.
Jim was introduced in 1989 along with his wife Liz McDonald, (Beverley Callard) and then teenage sons Andy McDonald (Nicholas Cochrane) and Steve McDonald (Simon Gregson).His storylines have often revolved around his family relationships and various crimes, which have resulted in several stints in prison. Early storylines for the character saw Jim and Liz's daughter Katie die shortly after birth, followed by an alcohol addiction which led to domestic violence and the collapse of his marriage, as well as a near fatal fight with his son Steve, which resulted in temporary paralysis, as well as a one-night stand with Steve's ex-girlfriend Fiona Middleton (Angela Griffin).
Jim had a brief relationship with Gwen Davies (Annie Hulley), before remarrying Liz and then being sent down for the manslaughter of Jez Quigley (Lee Boardman), in revenge for a near fatal attack on Steve.Later storylines have included Jim escaping from prison, Liz divorcing him for a second time, his attack on Liz’s new husband Vernon Tomlin (Ian Reddington), being imprisoned for a bank robbery, being diagnosed with the degenerative illness myotonic dystrophy, and concocting a plan to swindle Liz out of her money by pretending he had found their daughter Katie.
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